產品 Product
ultraMPP: ultra-fast Massive Parallel Platform
• general-purpose parallelization platform for all physical problems modelled with PDEs
ultraSPARTS: ultra-fast Statistical PARTicle Simulation
• general rarefied gas dynamics
• non-reacting and reacting hypersonic flow
• spacecraft RCS plume impingement analysis
• physical vapor deposition (e.g., OLED)
• comet gas/dust plume modeling
ultraPICA: ultra-fast Particle-In-Cell Monte Carlo Analysis
• DC/RF magnetron sputtering plasma
• etching plasma
• ion thruster
• LEO spacecraft surface charging modeling
ultraNS: ultra-fast Navier-Stokes Equation Modeling Package
• general thermal-fluid problem
ultraFM: ultra-fast Plasma Fluid Modeling Package
• inductively coupled plasma (ICP)
• microwave plasma
• electron cyclotron resonance plasma (ECR)
• atmospheric-pressure glow discharge
• discharge streamer modeling
• general-purpose parallelization platform for all physical problems modelled with PDEs
ultraSPARTS: ultra-fast Statistical PARTicle Simulation
• general rarefied gas dynamics
• non-reacting and reacting hypersonic flow
• spacecraft RCS plume impingement analysis
• physical vapor deposition (e.g., OLED)
• comet gas/dust plume modeling
ultraPICA: ultra-fast Particle-In-Cell Monte Carlo Analysis
• DC/RF magnetron sputtering plasma
• etching plasma
• ion thruster
• LEO spacecraft surface charging modeling
ultraNS: ultra-fast Navier-Stokes Equation Modeling Package
• general thermal-fluid problem
ultraFM: ultra-fast Plasma Fluid Modeling Package
• inductively coupled plasma (ICP)
• microwave plasma
• electron cyclotron resonance plasma (ECR)
• atmospheric-pressure glow discharge
• discharge streamer modeling
Product Introduction

Plasma T.I. Product Introduction |
多重物理平行計算模擬軟體平台 ultraMPP
ultraMPP stands for ultra-fast Massive Parallel Platform that is a general-purpose parallelization platform for physical problems modeled by PDEs and is a pain free software selection to save time and ease burden of parallel code development for simulation experts.
ultraMPP is an unique Application Programming Interface (API) designed by Plasma T.I., which can help to develop multi-physics software from scientific and engineering concept to high performance computing.
- complex geometry using 2D/2D-axisymmetric/3D hybrid unstructured grid with parallel computing
- greatly shortening development time of parallel solver
Parallelization with ultraMPP
Special Features
- Easy to do the simulation which coupling with multi-physics :
- Ready to do the scalable parallel computing on PC-Cluster or single workstation.
- Possible to build your own numerical scheme
Poisson Equation Solver Example
⏺ 2D/2D-axisymmetric/3D hybrid unstructured grid are supported by ultraMPP.
Euler Equation Solver Example
⏺ 2D, 4% bump, M∞=1.653
⏺ 3D sphere bump (4%), M∞=1.653
⏺ Boeing787 & F16
ultraMPP Brochure

ultraMPP brochure |
ultraMPP User Manual

ultraMPP軟體操作手冊_v2.0.5 |
Example: CFD Code on ultraMPP

Parallel Programming with ultraMPP

parallel programming with ultraMPP |
平行化稀薄熱氣流場求解器 ultraSPARTS
ultraSPARTS (ultra-fast Statistical PARTicle Simulation Package), is a particle-based C++ object-oriented parallel DSMC simulation code designed for efficiently solving gas flow problems with rarefaction and strong non-equilibrium. This software employs the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method for directly solving the Boltzmann equation statistically. It can deal with rarefied gas flows with complex geometry using 2D/2D-axisymmetric/3D hybrid unstructured grid. The package has been applied for modeling general rarefied gas dynamics such as hypersonic non-reacting and reacting gas flows, vacuum pumping flow, satellite plume impingement, MEMS/NEMS gas flow, comet gas/dust plume (paper reference 1-9), and PVD deposition (OLED, CIG, E-beam, etc.), to name a few.
Several advanced computational techniques are used to reduce computational time, which include parallel computing using domain decomposition through message passing interface (MPI), variable time-step scheme (VTS) for reducing number of iteration towards steady state, transient adaptive subcell scheme (TAS) for improving collision quality, virtual mesh refinement (VMR) for resolving regions with large properties gradient, conservative weighting scheme (CWS) for treating trace species efficiently. In addition, a special technique, named as DREAM (DSMC Rapid Ensemble Average Method), is developed to reduce the statistical scatter from unsteady DSMC simulations.
In addition, for dealing with complex non-equilibrium flow problems, several important physical models are included in ultraSPARTS. They include different molecular models (HS/VHS/VSS) for reproducing viscosity and diffusivity of gases, no time counter (NTC) for treating collision probability efficiently, multi-species, translational-rotational energy exchange, translational-vibrational energy exchange, total collision energy model (TCE) for dissociation and exchange reactions [Bird, 1976], three-body collision model for recombination reaction [Boyd, 1992], surface reaction/deposition, pressure/mass flow controlled boundary conditions and pumping boundary conditions for internal gas flows, periodic boundary conditions and inclusion of gravity effect.
In addition, for dealing with complex non-equilibrium flow problems, several important physical models are included in ultraSPARTS. They include different molecular models (HS/VHS/VSS) for reproducing viscosity and diffusivity of gases, no time counter (NTC) for treating collision probability efficiently, multi-species, translational-rotational energy exchange, translational-vibrational energy exchange, total collision energy model (TCE) for dissociation and exchange reactions [Bird, 1976], three-body collision model for recombination reaction [Boyd, 1992], surface reaction/deposition, pressure/mass flow controlled boundary conditions and pumping boundary conditions for internal gas flows, periodic boundary conditions and inclusion of gravity effect.
E-Beam Metal Deposition Simulation
CIGS Film Deposition for Solar Cell
OLED Film Deposition Simulation
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Aerospace & Space Applications
Hypersonic Reacting Flows
ultraSPARTS Brochure

ultraSPARTS brochure |
ultraSPARTS Simulation Examples

ultraSPARTS simulation example |
ultraSPARTS Editor User Guide

ultraSPARTS editor user guide |
Quick Guide of ultraSPARTS 3.0 Operation


20181022 DSMC for Ansys -- ultraSPARTS |
Paper References for Astronomy Application
1. S. Finklenburg*, N. Thomas, C.-C. Su, J.-S. Wu, “The spatial distribution of water in the inner coma of comet 9P/Temple 1: Comparison between models and observations,” Icarus, Vol. 236, pp. 9-23, July 2014.
2. N. Thomas et al., “Re-distribution of particles across the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,” Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 583, A17, 2015.
3. I. Lai, et al., “DSMC Simulations of Ceres’ Water Plumes and Exosphere,” EGU General Assembly, Austria, 2015.
4. Y. Liao, et al., “3D Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Modelling of the Inner Gas Coma of Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko: A Parameter Study,” Earth Moon & Planets, Vol. 117(1), pp. 41-64, 2016.
5. I. Lai, et al., “Transport and Distribution of Hydroxyl Radicals and Oxygen Atoms from H2O Photodissociation in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,” Earth Moon & Planets, Vol. 117(1), pp. 23-39, 2016.
6. Z.Y. Lin, et al., “Observations and Analysis of A Curved Jet in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,” Astronomy & Astrophysics, 588, L3, 2016.
7. R. Marschall, “Modelling of the inner gas and dust coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko using ROSINA/COPS and OSIRIS data - First results,” Astronomy & Astrophysics, 589, A90, 2016.
8. I. Lai, et al., “Gas outflow and dust transport of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 462, Issue Suppl_1, S533-S546, Feb. 2017.
9. R. Marschall, et al., “Cliffs vs. Plains: Can ROSINA/COPS and OSIRIS data of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in autumn 2014 constrain inhomogeneous outgassing?” Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 605, Issue A&A, A112, Sep. 2017.
10. R. Marschall, et al., "A comparison of multiple Rosetta data sets and 3D model calculations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko coma around equinox" Icarus, Volume 328, August 2019, Pages 104-126.
2. N. Thomas et al., “Re-distribution of particles across the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,” Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 583, A17, 2015.
3. I. Lai, et al., “DSMC Simulations of Ceres’ Water Plumes and Exosphere,” EGU General Assembly, Austria, 2015.
4. Y. Liao, et al., “3D Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Modelling of the Inner Gas Coma of Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko: A Parameter Study,” Earth Moon & Planets, Vol. 117(1), pp. 41-64, 2016.
5. I. Lai, et al., “Transport and Distribution of Hydroxyl Radicals and Oxygen Atoms from H2O Photodissociation in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,” Earth Moon & Planets, Vol. 117(1), pp. 23-39, 2016.
6. Z.Y. Lin, et al., “Observations and Analysis of A Curved Jet in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,” Astronomy & Astrophysics, 588, L3, 2016.
7. R. Marschall, “Modelling of the inner gas and dust coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko using ROSINA/COPS and OSIRIS data - First results,” Astronomy & Astrophysics, 589, A90, 2016.
8. I. Lai, et al., “Gas outflow and dust transport of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 462, Issue Suppl_1, S533-S546, Feb. 2017.
9. R. Marschall, et al., “Cliffs vs. Plains: Can ROSINA/COPS and OSIRIS data of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in autumn 2014 constrain inhomogeneous outgassing?” Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 605, Issue A&A, A112, Sep. 2017.
10. R. Marschall, et al., "A comparison of multiple Rosetta data sets and 3D model calculations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko coma around equinox" Icarus, Volume 328, August 2019, Pages 104-126.
平行化低壓電漿粒子模型求解器 ultraPICA
ultraPICA (ultra-fast Particle-In-Cell Monte Carlo Analysis) is the software based on particle-in-cell with Monte Carlo method for the kinetic simulation of particles interacting with electromagnetic fields. ultraPICA is the perfect method to investigate plasmas such as PECVD, hall thruster of spacecraft, non-equilibrium properties (IEDF, EEDF, IADF) for feature-scale simulation, and so on. ultraPICA can simulate on 2D/3D/axisymmetric unstructured grids with high-performance parallel computing technology. Dynamic Loading Balance (DLB) between each processor is executed automatically for the best efficiency of computation, which is rarely seen from other software packages. The package can be used for modeling general very low-pressure gas discharges such as DC/RF magnetron sputtering plasma, ICP and UHV PECVD, to name a few.
平行化計算流體力學Navier-Stoks方程求解器 ultraNS
ultraNS (ultra-fast Navier-Stokes Equation Modeling Package) is a sophisticated 2D/2D-axisymmetric/3D unstructured-grid density-based gas flow solver for modeling flow, heat transfer, two-phase and reactions at all speeds. Based on RAPIT, it is possible to apply ultraNS for studying multi-physics of plasma-flow interaction through the seamless integration with ultraFM and ultraPICA.
Transonic Flow Past a F-16 Figter
(M=0.864, NS + k-omega turbulence model, 9.4 M cells, 80 cores)
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High-Speed Gas Flows -- HB-II
(Hypersonic Flow: AOA=10 degree)
ultraNS Brochure

ultraNS brochure |
平行化電漿流體模型求解器 ultraFM
ultraFM (ultra-fast Plasma Fluid Modeling Package) is a continuum-based simulation code designed for solving the velocity moments of the Boltzmann equation considering charged particles. It can deal with gas discharges (low-temperature plasma) with complex geometry using 2D/2D-axisymmetric/3D hybrid unstructured grid with parallel computing through message passing interface (MPI) that can be run on typical PC clusters. The package can be used to model general low-temperature plasma or gas discharges with complex chemistry and complex geometry such as PECVD, ICP, and APP, to name a few.
Example: 2D-axisymmetric Argon Plasma Simulation by ultraFM
Example: 2D-axisymmetric Argon Plasma Simulation by ultraFM