平行化低壓電漿粒子模型求解器 ultraPICA
ultraPICA (ultra-fast Particle-In-Cell Monte Carlo Analysis) is the software based on particle-in-cell with Monte Carlo method for the kinetic simulation of particles interacting with electromagnetic fields. ultraPICA is the perfect method to investigate plasmas such as PECVD, hall thruster of spacecraft, non-equilibrium properties (IEDF, EEDF, IADF) for feature-scale simulation, and so on. ultraPICA can simulate on 2D/3D/axisymmetric unstructured grids with high-performance parallel computing technology. Dynamic Loading Balance (DLB) between each processor is executed automatically for the best efficiency of computation, which is rarely seen from other software packages. The package can be used for modeling general very low-pressure gas discharges such as DC/RF magnetron sputtering plasma, ICP and UHV PECVD, to name a few.