多重物理平行計算模擬軟體平台 ultraMPP
ultraMPP stands for ultra-fast Massive Parallel Platform that is a general-purpose parallelization platform for physical problems modeled by PDEs and is a pain free software selection to save time and ease burden of parallel code development for simulation experts.
ultraMPP is an unique Application Programming Interface (API) designed by Plasma T.I., which can help to develop multi-physics software from scientific and engineering concept to high performance computing.
- complex geometry using 2D/2D-axisymmetric/3D hybrid unstructured grid with parallel computing
- greatly shortening development time of parallel solver
Parallelization with ultraMPP
Special Features
- Easy to do the simulation which coupling with multi-physics :
Data synchronization between two modules
- Ready to do the scalable parallel computing on PC-Cluster or single workstation.
- Possible to build your own numerical scheme
Poisson Equation Solver Example
⏺ 2D/2D-axisymmetric/3D hybrid unstructured grid are supported by ultraMPP.
Euler Equation Solver Example
⏺ 2D, 4% bump, M∞=1.653
⏺ 3D sphere bump (4%), M∞=1.653
⏺ Boeing787 & F16
ultraMPP Brochure
ultraMPP User Manual
Parallel Programming with ultraMPP
parallel programming with ultraMPP |